Monday, July 28, 2014

Character Creation

Character Creation
  • Starting characters will be 1st level.
  • 32 point buy
  • All +0 races except Elves, Fey, or celestial/demonic/outsider races. +1 races on approval.
  • 1 flaw allowed
  • Aging not allowed
  • No Heavy Armor (to start)
  • No Exotic Weapons (Change to HOLY SHIT WHAT THE FUCK EVEN IS THAT Weapons)
  • Martial Weapons are treated as Exotic for the purpose of feats. Martial Weapon Proficiency gives you proficiency in a single weapon.
  • No prepared spell caster classes as first level (druid, wizard, cleric, etc.) Any prepared spell caster class must be located and contacted before it can be trained.
  • PHB and Base "Completes" classes only.
  • No "Spontaneous Divine casters" alternate rules
Spell Casting Limitations
  • *These restrictions only apply within the scope of the Ilithid controlled lands, with the exception of summoning/binding extra planar creatures.
  • Any spell that requires physical travel to another plain does not function. Objects or essence are still able to be pulled between planes, so all Evocation and "Create Water" style spells still function.
  • Non-Planar Teleportation functions, but is monitored constantly.
  • Almost all Conjuration Magic is blocked by the Ilithid or by the lack of planar travel (Healing is an exception)
  • Enchantment Magic is 100% blocked by the Ilithid
  • Divination is limited (No scrying or seeing the future, but "True Strike" still works)
Mechanic changes
  • No multi-classing EXP penalties
  • Multi-classing is limited to base classes and one Prestige class
  • Organization restrictions for new classes and prestige classes: If your class was organized into a church or group, they probably don't exist in the open after the war. You will have to find them before you can train in them
  • HP on level up =HD/2+Con (Round up)
  • Fractional BAB/Saves 
  • Alignment restrictions very lenient (Ask)
  • Ignore stupid feat requirements for Prestige classes

World History

Your characters exist in a version of the Forgotten Realms where a great war is being fought with the Ilithid. Your parents generation was mostly slaughtered, (assuming you're a roughly human lifespan equivalent race) and you've grown up under somewhat harsh, but not overly oppressive rule of the newly victorious Ilithids and their allies. The Ilithid are quite occupied with the ongoing war and with keeping their newly conquered subjects under control, and have relegated the daily control of the citizenry to local Sheriffs who have proven loyal. Those sheriffs are in charge of squashing any rebellions, and delivering any items of power or value to the Ilithid. This has resulted in most weapons and armor of any quality being extraordinarily rare, and the training required to use them effectively even rarer. You are well aware that these things exist, and may have even seen them yourself, but have never come close to possessing one.

The Elves still resist from their cities to the north, where they have barricaded themselves off with powerful spells. The remaining Drow (they were the first to be slaughtered by their underground enemies) still regularly attack from the Under Dark, but their forces are a feeble resistance group at this point. Most Fey have retreated to the woods to leave the mortals to their bickering, swiftly dealing with interlopers of any kind that present any direct threat to them or their woods. The other planar creatures and races have retreated to their homes, and have made certain that they cannot be forcibly brought back against their will by blocking travel between the planes. (This has resulted in some aspects of Magic not functioning properly ie Summoning) The Ilithid were also able to bring about their recent victory largely by binding and controlling certain schools of magic so that they were no longer available within their armies reach. It is currently unknown how they accomplished this. They also disbanded, or drove underground, almost all trained practitioners of magic within their lands, as well as killing or allying with any fighter or warrior of any note, leaving their psionic powers unchallenged. The greatest threat to them is those with an innate gift of magic, which they are largely unskilled in, and do not understand as well as they do their own psionics, and those that might discover the training and weapons that they have worked so hard to wipe out.

Your characters are all part of a small village named Avgard of about 550 people. The elders name is Jor. You have access to basic craftsmen and tools, but almost nothing outside of what can be produced in your village itself. You have the option to design your home and/or family if you so choose, and can assume that you have enough food and space to support a small family comfortably. You can designate yourself as a common laborer, or a specialized craftsmen, or a town guard. (If craftsmen, points in that skill profession are required)

Your local Sheriff is Kendrin, a Half-orc Barbarian chieftain that proved her loyalty in the war by raiding and subjugating most nearby villages and presenting them to the Ilithid. She is known to be cruel when needed, but not maliciously so. She does not encourage or reward brutal treatment of her subjects, but does not actively discourage it either. She has three lieutenants that work for her, dealing directly with the Elders of each village to deliver taxes and enforce the law. Bren, Shira, and Hisck. Your local Lieutenant is Bren, an ugly aging man more well known for his old war stories than his current prowess. He found religion after the war, but unfortunately it was in service to Erythnul.

The campaign will be based around your characters village, and the relationships that you have there can be greatly beneficial or greatly harmful, depending on what you choose. If you're an evil dick, the town might decide to offer you as tribute to have your brain sucked out by an Ilithid, but if you're well liked, they may offer you discounts on items, or share information about artifacts or rumors etc. You could, of course, destroy the entire village after level 3, and that will have it's own set of benefits and drawbacks. Up to you. Also, if you choose to be a spellcaster at first level, it is understood that anything beyond basic cantrips are strictly forbidden and that you have had to keep that fact about yourself secret from all but your closest family members for your entire life, or risked being turned into or discovered by the Sherriff. The Ilithid are not interested in killing all magic users, but they take threats to themselves very seriously.