Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Session 3: September 24th (Not August which all of the other posts have said....)

Notes by Jeff (Arrron)
Continuing the party’s efforts to eliminate the druid from last time (which we now have 5 days to do), we set out into the forests. Despite Aron’s talented efforts, we’re unable to find her, concluding that she left the area to head towards the Maw. We also note that the friendly forest critters no longer hate us.

Before long, the party encountered fellow travelers on the road. The archer scurried off into the forest, taking up a position to snipe from. As the other group approached, we saw that they were several humanoids accompanying a large glass tank filled with dark liquids and what might be baby illithids. Unsurprisingly, Robyn and Bonkifonk quickly cower/bow before them. Fortunately, Bonkifonk quickly returns to his senses, and Robyn is small enough to be dragged by the dwarf for the next hour.

Eventually, we found a seemingly abandoned village, and made contact with several residents who explain that the others left after their well was poisoned. They reported an old woman with an eagle companion that has been seen in the forest nearby, and agreed to help us find her the next day.

After an uneventful dinner and rest, we all headed out. The old woman was found without any trouble, and it quickly became clear that she was the master and correspondent of the poisoner. She’s heartbroken that her student has turned to poisoning to fight the illithid, and provided the antidote without any trouble.

Upon returning to the village camp, Aron (being a straightforward and honest individual) happily volunteered to the village’s remaining residents that the woman in the forest was the master of the druid that had poisoned the village. They don’t take this news very well, and immediately run off into the forest, severing all ties with the party. Meanwhile, a collection of screeches and howls is audible from outside the village.

Taking up defensive positions on a roof (and leaving the hobo/camper/villagers to their fates), the party waited for an attack. Before long, 6 eyeless-hairless-tentacle-wolves run out of the forest, stunning Aron and Bonkifonk immediately.

The fight passes in a blur for Aron, who spends much of the time stunned, only getting a chance to loose one arrow. He’s conscious enough to hear victorious shouts from Robyn and Ann, along with less-victorious screams from the hobos in the woods. The last thing he sees is a tentacle-wolf as it bowls him over, pounces, and sucks out his brain.

[The rest of the party survives, rejoins the druid, and meets up with the surviving hobo. They successfully gather the antidote ingredients and return to town more-or-less victorious]

Party RP/EXP Rewards:
4 Wolf-Flayers=480 EXP
2 Wolf-Flayers (W/ Druid) 171 EXP
2 freshly sharpened short swords
20 GP in a bedroll from the hobos

New Class Unlocked!

DM note*
New classes only available as long as you maintain good relationship with a Druid at least one level above your current druid level. (You're fine right now, hell she probably even feels guilty and owes you one right now) Only one person may train in a new class at one time per available teacher. Characters count as trainers for any other PC's of lower class level than they are. 

Basically right now, one person in the party can add Ranger or Druid since you all should have leveled up. Not counting the dead guy coming back as one for the moment. (Assuming he does.) Backstory and RP reasoning given preference by me. If you have a good reason for it, speak now or fight amongst yourselves.

Commence infighting on who gets to be a Druid first.

Annnnnnnnnd GO.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Session 2: August 10th 2014

Notes by Lance (Ann)

Change is coming again, I can feel it now. Before, with my head down and non-caring I didn't notice the signs of the impending troubles, but they're coming again to this depressing little town I call home. This time, I'm ready. I'm going to keep a log of everything that happens in the hope of, potentially, appeasing our  glorious masters without the uncomfortable prospect of mind rape and insanity. I'll do my best to save this place, here's to hoping.
After the debacle in the forest pit, it has become clear that simply living around these...people for all these years really did not prepare me for their adventuring deficiencies. If we're going to be fighting together in the defense of this place, we're going to have to learn to work as a team. Nuckin is a bit concerning, I get the impression he isn't as crazy as he lets on, but I have no idea how to mold him into a useful ally. I'm confident in Aron our long standing trading agreements have shown me he is a man of his word, dependable, almost dwarven in nature. Bonk and Robin seem a bit unpredictable, but they have skills of their own that will prove invaluable whatever their eccentricities. Robin noticed that the woodland creatures had returned to the forest upon our exit from the pit and seemed to be giving us the stink eye, a detail completely lost on me. I wonder what it means? Is something controlling them?
After getting back into town, Robin weaves the tale of our discovery of the spider infested forest pit and the curious fog we encountered deep underground. She leaves out a few details concerning our...pitfalls. Our wounds seem convincing enough to the sheriff to earn us a commission to solve the problem before the garrison returns in five days. I know we can manage it, but right now all I can think about is a long, hot, cleansing bath - spider goop and mud makes for nasty chafing in this mail. On my way back to the house I drop an unconscious Nuckin into a refuse pile I've seen him sleep in before, hopefully he won't mind.
Two days of healing rest later, my erstwhile allies and I gather for a bit of short planning before setting out. Nuckin is nowhere to be seen, but daylight is wasting and we set out without him. Our short trip back into the forest is uneventful, though even I can now feel the burning eyes of tiny creatures following me from the shade despite my attempts to stoically ignore them. My intentional obliviousness causes me a moment of panic when I look back and see Nuckin has started marching with the party at some point, just how and why is he doing that? Asking him just makes my head hurt - we press on.
Robin helps me tie off two ropes which lets us carefully descend into the gaping pit. The right tunnel branch we entered last time is again rigged to collapse. After some debate, Nuckin declares the middle tunnel looks good and takes off down it at a dash. No one is surprised when he drops out of sight a few steps later into another shrouded pit, knocking himself unconscious. I debate accidentally losing my grip on the rope we've rigged to drag him out, but decide against it. Maybe the fall knocked some sense into him and I don't want to have to explain the loss of any "able body" to the sheriff. I'd debate whether he qualified for an "able body" anyway, but I digress.
Seemingly unable to control his curiosity, Bonk can't help rifling the pockets of the nasty rag/robe Nuckin wears. We're all startled by a soft "meep" as Bonk uncovers a tiny owlet he has found. I don't even. I guess the owl is some sort of pet? This man is just strange. And light, fortunately, because I'm the only one willing to carry his dead weight deeper into the tunnel.
Turns out he was wrong anyway as our tunnel of choice loops us back to where we came from via the left hand tunnel. Getting frustrated, I vent my anger by hurling rocks and branches at the ceiling fall trap until it collapses. We press on. Robin takes point this time and we catch her in time as she stumbles into the same pit that caused us such issues two days ago. I wish my eyesight was better.
The tunnel walls seem to have repaired themselves after being partially burned away by our fire, a layer of soot still clings on the upper parts of the tunnel, but there is very little sign of any damage otherwise. The fire has, however, highlighted an area of the wall that looks like it could be a door. With some help from Robin and Aron I managed to wedge a crowbar into the joint and break off a small section - enough to crawl through at least. The noise draws the attention of the room's lone inhabitant, (USE YOUR IMAGINATION LANCE, JEEZ!), who demands that we stop breaking into her home. Robin attempts to weave a bullshit story about us returning the crazy guy who tried to burn her house down in an attempt to disarm her, but the lady doesn't buy it. Their exchange begins to sound more like one of my bad sales pitches and I take the initiative to start a hostile takeover by preparing my shields and slamming through the door.
A frantic fight begins against the wild woman and her two animal guardians, a wolf and a large rat similar to the one we found in town. To my dismay, the woman demonstrates her magical abilities by filling the room with a dense fog and I realize she is a druid; a nature mage I haven't heard of since before the invasion. With the aid of my companions we manage to slay both the animals, but are unable to set hands on the swift footed druid as she flees down a tunnel escape route and loses us in the forest. After a few moments, the fog clears enough for us to see that Robin is down and bleeding from a sword cut to the chest. Bonk does his best to patch her up and the bleeding seems to stop, but I know we've got to get her back to town soon. We find a bundle of parchment and three vials in a hollowed out log in the room and Bonk begins to study them as I prepare the unconscious for transportation up the escape tunnel. Never one to waste, Aron guts the wolf and packs it away to be tanned later. Perhaps we'll mount the head on the gate as a warning.
I found it difficult to listen while struggling to carry both of our downed comrades as Bonk informed us of the contents of the scrolls; something about the teacher of the druid disapproving of her choice to try to cull all of the towns in the area by poison in an attempt to cleanse the forests. Sounds important. The forest again watches our exit.
We stumbled into town near dark and went straight to the sheriff's. Bonk and I described the results of the expedition to the sheriff and he was suitably appreciative. Unfortunately, with the druid still at large we're going to have to find some way to locate her. Too tired to plan now, we drop off Nuckin and Robin before heading home. Our orders are to resume our watch schedule at the gates and well tomorrow. Perhaps we can come up with something else after I've had a proper rest.

Party RP/EXP Rewards:
1 Wolf=80 EXP
1 Dire Rat=20 EXP
Surviving the encounter with the Druid=175 EXP
(Dustin gets half EXP through osmosis and excellent story telling)
Individual RP/EXP Rewards:
Chrisy's first foray into hostage negotiation=15 EXP
Dustin=5 EXP for enthusiasm
Nick=20 EXP for actually reading the letters (I was genuinely worried)
Bundle of parchments/letters
2 healing potions
1 antitoxin
Wolf pelt
250 GP from Sheriff for a mission (mostly) accomplished.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Session 1: August 3rd 2014

Notes by Nick (Badonkidonk?)

It's a dark and normal Thursday. I hear of a new novel, from Robin, might be coming out soon. I never quite got into tentacles but it'll do over nothing. A large contigent of troops strangely came to town, there must be trouble a brewing.

I'm not sure how, but Robin shows up and manages to sell her wares without even letting them talk. They literally threw money at her just so she would leave. I can't blame them after the second reiteration of "bulging off the pages".

As I listened in, I learn of all the wells being poisoned, though ours is still pure. God I hope this isn't my fault, I thought those chemicals would be deluted enough. I will have to remember to spread it out more.

The guards chuckle at my offer of assistance, likely for being a gnome, typical. I do manage to convince them of my worth and head off to the Sheriff's place. The northeast town has been affected, only the river remains pottable, but may not last. They tested the water but can't detect anything, so it is likely magical. Looks like I'm off the hook.

The poison seems to be fatal within 3 day poison, starting with a coma. No antidote. No signs but won't wake.

The town oaf, Nuckin, is seen at the well, acting as he does. One of the guards rushes over to stop the mad man and manages to tackle him. We drag him to the sherriff to inspect what he has, we find...a stick and pinecone on his person. He is promptly thrown out. A short discussion is made over who should help, asking for assistance would prove better than conscription. The plan is to watch the well and post guards around the three gates for infiltrators. A simple plan, that could easily go wrong. The guards will... guard the well and the rest of the recruits will watch the gates into town.
(Standard watch order)
Night - Lance
Midnight - Chrisy
Morning - Me
Morning - Jeff
??? - Dustin

I manage to get some sleep, only to be woken from shreiking comes from the bum about mice the size of horses and other inanities. On my watch, I manage to spot a stranegly large rat run threw the gate, why did we leave it open again?  I manage to not quite hit it and that was the end of that.

Another day goes by of work, little excitement. During Ann's shift, she managed to spot a fog rolling from the forest, a shape moving within. After recklessly charging, and missing, the monster dashed inside of the town. The town shortly scrambles to close the gates, hopefully to lock it inside. We manage to corner it. Ann manage to rush at it, collide, tripping it, and crushing it with her spiked body. It is a wonder to witness. Little time to gawk though, I need to start to analyzing the mud, teeth, and green foam. I can't seem to discover any alchemical nature of it, besides that the foam is obviously poisonous.  There is enough for a single vial left and I will have to keep it hidden, this could be very lucrative.  The guards did not seem to entirely trust there was none left but they are of little significance to me.

While discussing a proper plan of action, Ann suggests shutting the village down, possibly keeping the idiots out. The laborers aren't happy but it is for the best.

The group of townsfolk I guarded with decided it might be best to check the surrounding area. Ann discouvered the nest of the rat, with a humanoid somewhere. While she manages to find a set of tracks, I use my keen eyes to keep a hold of them but the mud is slowing us down.  The further we go, the quieter it gets.
Interesting...the crazy man made a glowing pinecone. I may have an opportunity here.

It seems to become empty of creatures skittering around as we arrive at some sort of large pit, poorly hidden, I might add. Ann hammers a rope in order to climb down, which she does quite swiftly, as do I. The rest manage safely, with exception of Nuckin, falling on his head. It is hard to tell if there was any harm in that.

After searching around, spiders scurry up Ann and more appeared near. I bravely throw a javalin at one nearly the size of me, breaking open it's abdomen. Ann continues her squishing prowess and manages to slam a club from 10 feet away, splattering another. With little time, we clear the area. While Robin collects herself, I busy myself with using my vast intellect to extract a vial of poison from the small spiders.

We eventually come across glowing moss, where I find Nuckin eating it. In the chance this turns out to be of worth, I collect a vial and carry on. Shortly after, we find a tri-fork and Ann decides to crash through the branches baracading one of the routes, where the ceiling starts to fall apart and it falls on Ann. Though she is injured, we continue and come across a area covered in mist similar to what the dwarf saw previously. The ground is covered in vines, which is apparent after taking a few steps in, impeding my steps the most it seems. Fortunately, Ann discovered a pit with her whole body, preventing anyone else from harm. I take that back, the rogue managed to fall into the pit as well. With as much focus as I could, I also fell.. because of a slippery patch. I am starting to question why I went here with a group on commoners and a madman. After we wrestled up some teamwork, we manage to cross over.
As we delve deeper, the roots begin growing thicker and the cave became dense with green, partially due to the glowing moss. A bit of light creeps in even though we seemed to be 90 feet deep. This mud cave is certainly full of wonder. Eventually, we reach a barred area of roots, the area is smoothed through buds and leaves. No rock. All wood. Despite my better judgement, everyone wants to set the door on fire, and I listen for some odd reason. We are quickly running away from the rappidly engulfing flames. A normal door woudln't burn so fast but nothing about this is normal. While we heroically run away, Nuckin falls but manages to quickly get back up before fire get too close. Though he somehow manages to dance across the pit. I have trouble understand how any of this week makes sense. After some quick rope work, we all manage to make it past and decide to rest back in town.
BAM: Noted

Party RP/EXP Rewards:
4 Tiny Monstrous Spiders + 2 Small Monstrous Spiders= 160 EXP
1 Dire Rat=20 EXP

Individual RP/EXP Rewards:
Dustin: 2 Pinecones and a stick=10 EXP
Chrisy: Discovering her calling=5 EXP
Lance: Coming up with solid plans that are ignored completely=15 EXP

You're all alive.

Join us next week as the party discovers the perils of swim checks!