Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The village of Avgard

Avgard is the only remaining active village in a collection of villages in the north western part of the former Kingdom of Lowen. The other four villages are completely abandoned, at least by the villagers that once called them home.

The village has a population of mostly farming families and artisans. The village was once known for its high quality masons and carpenters before the invasion of the Ilithid through The Maw and the flooding of the Goldenwood forest that supplied their trade. Since then, the village has suffered greatly and most of the traders have moved on to other lands, leaving much of the village abandoned and falling into disrepair. Avgard today is an odd contrast of simple farmers and miners, living in well made and artfully designed family homes, with dilapidated buildings falling apart throughout the village as most families have moved on. Those that have stayed have managed to make a living mining precious metals in the nearby mountains, but it is dangerous work. There are roving bandits, and the sheriffs men demanding taxes and tributes to contend with. Given the choice, most villagers prefer dealing with the bandits, since the local sheriff does not take kindly to violence against her men.

World Map

Basic details:

Notable Individuals:

  • Local Sheriff: Kendrin
  • Lieutenant: Bren

Important Citizens
  • Elder: Jor
  • Captain of the Guard: Uri
  • Blacksmith: Stordina-The Drunken Flame
  • Mason: Wode-The Studious Child
  • Leather worker: Laurellana-Hide and Hair
  • Trader: Ralfana-The Silver Weasel
  • Inn Keeper: Bradley-The Ordinary Castle
  • Fence: Tiltheov-Whispered Prayer
  • Baker: Calur-Sweets and Wheat
  • General Store: Grotgor-Grotgors Groceries
General Information
  • Population 550
    • 40% Human
    • 20% Halfling
    • 20% Dwarf
    • 10% Gnome
    • 5% Half-Orc
    • 5% Other Races
  • Total GP on hand 20,000 (If you slaughtered the whole village and didn't break anything, this is what you would get. Ish.)
  • Single item max value: 700 GP
  • There is no town wizard/sorcerer to create magic items in Avgard
  • There is a traveling group of clerics that care for the local villages, for a price. 

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